Support Komalpreet in Her Struggle Against Spinal Problem


Komalpreet, a 15-year-old girl from a small village in Punjab, has been living with a spinal problem since birth. Despite her condition, she is determined to pursue her education and is currently studying in 8th standard. However, she often experiences severe body aches and pain due to her spinal condition, which affects her ability to concentrate in school.

After consulting with several doctors, Komalpreet’s family was told that surgery was not a viable solution as it may have severe consequences for her body. As a result, they have been searching for alternative methods of treatment that can help alleviate her pain and improve her quality of life.

Komalpreet’s father works as a laborer, and despite his best efforts, he struggles to earn enough money to support the family’s basic needs, let alone afford the expensive medical treatments required for his daughter’s condition. The family is in desperate need of financial assistance to help Komalpreet receive the best possible medical care.

Support Komalpreet in Her Struggle Against Spinal Problem

Donation Timeline

13 April 2023

  • Amount: CAD $100
  • Donation Methods: Online
  • Donation By:
  • Waiting for a Donor